What Time Does Mcdonald’s Open

McDonald’s opening hours vary by location, but generally, many McDonald’s restaurants open early in the morning.

For example, the McDonald’s in Times Square NYC opens at 5:00 AM from Monday to Thursday and is open 24 hours on Fridays and Saturdays. 

In Oneonta, NY, a McDonald’s location is open 24 hours on Saturdays and opens at 4:00 AM on Sundays. 

In Derby, NY, a McDonald’s restaurant opens at 7:00 AM from Monday to Wednesday. 

What Time Does Mcdonald's Open

What Time Does Mcdonald’s Open

While some McDonald’s locations are open 24/7, opening hours can vary depending on the franchise owner.

  • Typical Opening: Many McDonald’s start operations around 7:00 am.
  • Early Openings: For 24-hour locations or those with a strong breakfast crowd, they might open as early as 5:00 am to serve breakfast.
  • Breakfast Service: Breakfast is usually available from 5:00 am (in some locations) to around 10:30 am.
  • Lunch and Dinner: After breakfast ends, the lunch and dinner menu takes over, typically until closing time which can be around 11:00 pm.

Does McDonald’s serve breakfast all-day

No, McDonald’s discontinued all-day breakfast in the USA in 2020. Currently, McDonald’s breakfast menu is only available in the morning hours.

Each location can have slightly different breakfast serving times, but it typically ends around 10:30 or 11:00 am local time.

are mcdonald’s open 24/7

McDonald’s locations can vary their operating hours depending on the franchise owner and location. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Not all McDonald’s are open 24/7: This is especially true for smaller towns or locations with less foot traffic at night.
  • More likely in big cities: Major cities and high-traffic areas are more likely to have some McDonald’s restaurants operating 24 hours.

what time does mcdonald’s stop serving breakfast

McDonald’s stops serving breakfast at around 10:30 am or 11:00 am local time. This is the standard switch-over time from breakfast to the regular lunch and dinner menu.

However, it’s important to remember that exact times can vary slightly depending on the specific McDonald’s location and the franchise owner’s discretion.

mcdonald’s breakfast menu hours

McDonald’s breakfast menu is available during the following general hours:

  • Start Time: Typically begins around 5:00 am for some locations, although many locations open for breakfast service at 7:00 am.
  • End Time: Breakfast service usually ends at 10:30 am or 11:00 am local time, depending on the specific McDonald’s location.

Important to Note:

  • These are general guidelines, and exact times can vary by location due to franchise owner discretion.

when does mcdonald’s open for lunch

McDonald’s doesn’t have a specific opening time for lunch because their breakfast menu transitions into the lunch menu.

  • Breakfast Ends: Breakfast service typically ends around 10:30 am or 11:00 am local time. This is when the lunch menu becomes available.
  • Lunch Throughout the Day: After breakfast ends, McDonald’s switches to its regular menu which includes lunch options. This lunch menu is generally available until closing time, which can vary but is usually around 11:00 pm.

So, in essence, McDonald’s lunch hours in the USA start whenever breakfast service ends, which is typically around 10:30 am or 11:00 am local time.

Keep in mind:

  • Exact times can vary slightly by location due to franchise owner discretion.

mcdonald’s dinner hours tonight

McDonald’s dinner hours aren’t a specific time since their regular menu, which includes dinner options, is generally available throughout the day after breakfast ends.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Breakfast to Lunch Transition: Breakfast service typically ends around 10:30 am or 11:00 am local time, depending on the location. This is when the lunch menu, which includes dinner options, becomes available.
  • Dinner Throughout the Evening: McDonald’s locations typically stay open until around 11:00 pm, and their regular menu, including dinner choices, is available during these hours.


McDonald’s opening hours can vary depending on location and franchise owner. While some locations are open 24/7, this is more common in major cities and high-traffic areas.


  • Daphne

    Hello, I’m Daphne, an experienced content writer with three years of expertise. I specialize in providing detailed information about the delectable offerings on the Mcdonald's. Let me guide you through the tantalizing array of flavors and options available at Mcdonald's, ensuring you have the best dining experience possible.

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